Easy day-to-night holiday makeup tips from NARS Cosmetics – HONOLULUMagazine.com


Easy day-to-night holiday makeup tips from NARS Cosmetics
When we heard NARS Cosmetics' lead international stylist Janice Daoud would be in town next weekend for Nordstrom's Beauty Trend Show, we called her up to discuss holiday makeup tips. With her crazy jet-setting schedule, Daoud is a pro at looking great 

via Celebrity makeup tips – Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNE2Ic-M76p9oZyAnqefPlyTvfHQqA&url=http://honolulumagazine.com/Lei-Chic/November-2013/Easy-day-to-night-holiday-makeup-tips-from-NARS-Cosmetics/